Let Us Love Prose Awhile

Over flat familiar water, a worn course.

Long sentences put the helmsman to sleep.

He steers perfectly and dreams that he is steering perfectly and never talks.

Let us rest in the recognition of having seen every single drop of that water already.

Over flat familiar water, a worn course.

Long sentences put the helmsman to sleep.

He steers perfectly and dreams that he is steering perfectly and never talks.

Let us rest in the recognition of having seen every single drop of that water already.

'Tis Winter Now

'Tis winter now; the fallen snow Has left the
And yet God's love is not with-drawn; His life with-
heavens all coldly clear; Through leafless boughs the
in the keen air breathes; His beauty paints the
sharp winds blow, And all the earth lies dead and drear.
crimson dawn, And clothes the boughs with glittering wreaths.
3. And though abroad the sharp winds blow, And skies are
chill and frosts are keen, Home closer draws her
circle now, And warmer glows her light within.
4. O God! who givest the winter's cold, As well as

To Mrs. M. A. Upon Absence


'Tis now since I began to dy
Foure moneths and more, yet gasping live;
Wrapp'd up in sorrows doe I ly,
Hoping, yet doubting a reprieve
Adam from Paradise expell'd
Just such a wretched being held.


'Tis not thy love I feare to loose,
That will in spight of absence hold;
But tis the benefit and use
Is lost, as in imprison'd Gold:
Which though the summe be ne're so great,

Upon Kind and True Love

'Tis not how witty, nor how free,
Nor yet how beautifull she be,
But how much kinde and true to me.
Freedom and Wit none can confine,
And Beauty like the Sun doth shine,
But kinde and true are only mine.

Let others with attention sit,
To listen, and admire her wit,
That is a rock where I'll not split.
Let others dote upon her eyes,
And burn their hearts for sacrifice,
Beauty's a calm where danger lyes.

But Kinde and True have been long tried
A harbour where we may confide,

On Hearing the Cooing of a Dove, a Song

Cease lovely warbler cease thy fond complaint
And let thy grief give way to human woes
For all thy suffrings are to theirs but faint
When the full tide the bosom overflows
The happy partner of thy peaceful nest
In search of food alone has wander'd far
And on the mountain top he stops to rest
But love will guide him to reward thy care
Tis only mans to triumph o'er the heart
Theen throw it from him a neglected thing
To smile at all our pain and call it art
While constancy for us points every sting

All the Things You Are


Time and again I've longed for adventure,
Something to make my heart beat the faster.
What did I long for?
I never really knew.
Finding your love I've found my adventure,
Touching your hand, my heart beats the faster.
All that I want in all of this world is you.


You are the promised kiss of springtime
That makes the lonely winter seem long.
You are the breathless hush of evening
That trembles on the brink of a lovely song.
You are the angel glow
That lights a star,

Thy Loving Kindness, Lord, I Sing

1. Thy loving kindness, Lord, I sing, Of grace and life the
2. I to thy mercyseat repair, And find thy loving-
sacred spring; The spring o'er-flowing, rich, and
kindness there; And when to thy sweet word I
free, In precious blood, once shed for me.
go, Thy loving kindness there I know.

3. Each evening, from the world apart,
Thy loving kindness cheers my heart;
And when the day salutes mine eyes,
I see thy loving kindness rise.

4. Lord, from the moment of my birth,
I've nothing known but love on earth;

Loves End

Thus ends my Love, but this doth grieve me most,
That so it ends, but that ends too, this yet,
Besides the Wishes, hopes and time I lost,
Troubles my mind awhile, that I am set
Free, worse then deny'd: I can neither boast
Choice nor success, as my Case is, nor get
Pardon from my self, that I loved not
A better Mistress, or her worse; this Debt
Only's her due, still, that she be forgot
Ere chang'd, lest I love none; this done, the taint
Of foul Inconstancy is clear'd at least
In me, there only rests but to unpaint

A Sonet Written in Prayse of the Browne Beautie

The thriftles thred which pampred beauty spinnes,
In thraldom binds the foolish gazing eyes:
As cruell Spiders with their crafty ginnes,
In worthlesse webbes doe snare the simple Flies.
The garments gay, the glittring golden gite,
The tysing talk which flowes from Pallas pooles:
The painted pale, the (too much) red made white,
Are smiling baytes to fishe for loving fooles.
But lo, when eld in toothlesse mouth appeares,
And hoary heares in steede of beauties blaze:
Then had I wist, doth teach repenting yeares,


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