Longity Tongity


Longity Tongity diddle-dee-ey-dom-dee
Without a friend for neighbors to see.
Walking two dogs, he sports a light gray sweatsuit.
Never greeting, self-defeating, He’s a miserable young brute.
He walks alone, his nose perched up high.
We hold our tongues, let out a communal sigh.

Longity Tongity, lean and tall, boney knee be is he.
Long-legged stance, not much of him to see.
Ocular eyes to see only himself.
Self-assured as his porcelain smug pug,
Who sits alone snug on a cold shelf.

Longity Tongity believes he overpowers the rest.
Triumphant strides, he struts, imagines he’s the best.
Longity Tongity out and about today,
His vanity and arrogance on full display.
Tiresome and tedious images consume his mind entirely.
Solo, he travels without a diddle-‘we’-ey-dom-dee.

His dogs stroll around the circle of McNee
Considering an acceptably suitable tree.
The task accomplished, he marches back to his abode.
Self-assured, a burden is lifted from his heavy load.
Poor soul, his pockets are empty, except for one key.
Longity Tongity diddle-dee-ey-dom-dee.