
And tomorrow
And tomorrow...
What about tomorrow?
Am I supposed to believe that tomorrow will be better than today?
Believe and hope and pray?

Believe and hope and pray
That the world will suddenly open its eyes,
Quit believing all the lies,
Care when someone dies?

Believe and hope and pray...
I pray that I'll make it to 30 without being raped
Or shot
Or stabbed
Or strangled
Or kidnapped
Or trafficked
Or bombed
Or- Well, you get it
It's quite the list
And I'm one of the lucky ones who can still make that wish

Believe and hope and pray...
I hope that the world keeps spinning
'Cause it feels like it's ending
Every day I wake up with more on my plate
Drowning under the weight 
Of inheriting a world polarized by hate

Believe and hope and pray...
I believe that the world's gone to shit
And I really don't know if we can fix it
But I choose to believe and hope and pray
Believe and hope and pray that tomorrow will be better than today