" Soldier, Rest! "
A Russian sailed over the blue Black Sea
Just when the war was growing hot,
And he shouted, " I'm Tjalikavakeree —
Karindabrolikanavandorot —
Schipkadirova —
Ivandiszstova —
Sanilik —
Danilik —
Varagobhot! "
A Turk was standing upon the shore
Right where the terrible Russian crossed;
And he cried, " Bismillah! I'm Abd el Kor —
Bazaroukilgonautoskobrosk —
Getzinpravadi —
Kilgekosladji —
Grivido —
Blivido —
Jenikodosk! "
So they stood like brave men, long and well,
And they called each other their proper names,
Till the lockjaw seized them, and where they fell
They buried them both by the Irdosholames —
Kalatalustchuk —
Mischaribustchup —
Bulgari —
Dulgari —
Just when the war was growing hot,
And he shouted, " I'm Tjalikavakeree —
Karindabrolikanavandorot —
Schipkadirova —
Ivandiszstova —
Sanilik —
Danilik —
Varagobhot! "
A Turk was standing upon the shore
Right where the terrible Russian crossed;
And he cried, " Bismillah! I'm Abd el Kor —
Bazaroukilgonautoskobrosk —
Getzinpravadi —
Kilgekosladji —
Grivido —
Blivido —
Jenikodosk! "
So they stood like brave men, long and well,
And they called each other their proper names,
Till the lockjaw seized them, and where they fell
They buried them both by the Irdosholames —
Kalatalustchuk —
Mischaribustchup —
Bulgari —
Dulgari —
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