Address to the Subscribers and Friends to the Literary Fund, at Their Anniversary Dinner
To the Subscribers and Friends to the Literary Fund, at their Anniversary Dinner , April, 1, 1802.
In hardy Chivalry's advent'rous days,
At solemn feasts the Minstrel waked his lays:
Each trophy'd hall with tuneful echoes rung,
While godlike Chiefs and godlike deeds he sung;
Sung those famed fields where patriot Valour bled,
Where the Cross triumphed, and the Crescent fled;
Where Europe's sons, in Freedom's generous pride,
With dauntless breasts repell'd Invasion's tide.
Rapt with the strain, each Knight in Fancy's eye
Again beheld the hostile banners fly;
Again in thought, he grasp'd bright Valour's meed,
Resolved to vanquish, or resign'd to bleed.
Less proud our boast — though still Britannia's name,
Fill the wide-echoing trump of martial Fame,
Though late her gen'rous warriors, calmly brave,
Alike have triumph'd on the land and wave,
Yet oft at social boards, where Temperance reigns,
Far gentler powers attune her festive strains:
There Bounty sits enthroned; while Mirth, enshrined
With Virtue's self, conspires to bless mankind.
Then, if in nobler verse those Bards sublime,
Who told the warlike feats of elder time,
Thrill'd ev'ry heart by Fancy's rapt'rous dream;
More pure our object, more benign our theme,
Remote from factious strife, or blood-stain'd arms,
To paint meek Charity's unfading charms,
Bid gentle Sympathy direct her eyes
To those drear haunts where sorrowing Genius lies,
And kindred warmth in ev'ry breast infuse,
Those ends inspire, exalt, the humblest Muse:
A Muse, who, far from vain Ambition's claim,
Reluctant treads the dangerous paths of Fame;
Yet, call'd to Learning's aid, in Bounty's cause,
Still courts, her only meed, the H EART'S applause.
Fir'd at this glorious prospect's bright display,
The glad return of this auspicious day,
She lifts her voice — and lo, with heavenly smile,
Appear the genuine Virtues of our Isle!
Bright H ONOUR first; whose generous love of fame,
Prefers to life itself a spotless name;
Ingenuous C ONFIDENCE , to Worth allied;
Who, if she errs, still errs on Candour's side;
Plain bold S INCERITY , who, firm as true.
Prompts the free thought, and bares the heart to view:
But chief that gracious heav'n-directed Pow'r,
Thy refuge, Grief, in dread Misfortune's hour.
B ENEVOLENCE , whose blessings unconfin'd,
Fill the wide earth — embrace all human kind.
She first inspir'd, she saw with fond delight,
This Band in Taste and Learning's aid unite,
Smil'd on their hopes, and call'd, to bless their cause,
The G UARDIAN Angel of Britannia's laws;
That Spirit, who, with firm undaunted zeal,
Fills ev'ry heart that seeks the public weal;
That Power shall view, with kind complacent eyes,
Redeem'd from Want, neglected Genius rise;
Shall hail its friends, shall vindicate their claim
To stedfast L OYALTY , to honest Fame;
Who Faction's arts disdain — her sway disown,
But guard a just, paternal, B RUNSWICK'S throne!
In hardy Chivalry's advent'rous days,
At solemn feasts the Minstrel waked his lays:
Each trophy'd hall with tuneful echoes rung,
While godlike Chiefs and godlike deeds he sung;
Sung those famed fields where patriot Valour bled,
Where the Cross triumphed, and the Crescent fled;
Where Europe's sons, in Freedom's generous pride,
With dauntless breasts repell'd Invasion's tide.
Rapt with the strain, each Knight in Fancy's eye
Again beheld the hostile banners fly;
Again in thought, he grasp'd bright Valour's meed,
Resolved to vanquish, or resign'd to bleed.
Less proud our boast — though still Britannia's name,
Fill the wide-echoing trump of martial Fame,
Though late her gen'rous warriors, calmly brave,
Alike have triumph'd on the land and wave,
Yet oft at social boards, where Temperance reigns,
Far gentler powers attune her festive strains:
There Bounty sits enthroned; while Mirth, enshrined
With Virtue's self, conspires to bless mankind.
Then, if in nobler verse those Bards sublime,
Who told the warlike feats of elder time,
Thrill'd ev'ry heart by Fancy's rapt'rous dream;
More pure our object, more benign our theme,
Remote from factious strife, or blood-stain'd arms,
To paint meek Charity's unfading charms,
Bid gentle Sympathy direct her eyes
To those drear haunts where sorrowing Genius lies,
And kindred warmth in ev'ry breast infuse,
Those ends inspire, exalt, the humblest Muse:
A Muse, who, far from vain Ambition's claim,
Reluctant treads the dangerous paths of Fame;
Yet, call'd to Learning's aid, in Bounty's cause,
Still courts, her only meed, the H EART'S applause.
Fir'd at this glorious prospect's bright display,
The glad return of this auspicious day,
She lifts her voice — and lo, with heavenly smile,
Appear the genuine Virtues of our Isle!
Bright H ONOUR first; whose generous love of fame,
Prefers to life itself a spotless name;
Ingenuous C ONFIDENCE , to Worth allied;
Who, if she errs, still errs on Candour's side;
Plain bold S INCERITY , who, firm as true.
Prompts the free thought, and bares the heart to view:
But chief that gracious heav'n-directed Pow'r,
Thy refuge, Grief, in dread Misfortune's hour.
B ENEVOLENCE , whose blessings unconfin'd,
Fill the wide earth — embrace all human kind.
She first inspir'd, she saw with fond delight,
This Band in Taste and Learning's aid unite,
Smil'd on their hopes, and call'd, to bless their cause,
The G UARDIAN Angel of Britannia's laws;
That Spirit, who, with firm undaunted zeal,
Fills ev'ry heart that seeks the public weal;
That Power shall view, with kind complacent eyes,
Redeem'd from Want, neglected Genius rise;
Shall hail its friends, shall vindicate their claim
To stedfast L OYALTY , to honest Fame;
Who Faction's arts disdain — her sway disown,
But guard a just, paternal, B RUNSWICK'S throne!
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