AEneas Descends to Hell -

Now, on his Right, he leaves Parthenope ;
His Left, Misenus jutting in the Sea:
Arrives at Cume , and with Awe survey'd
The Grotto of the venerable Maid:
Begs Leave thro' black Avernus to retire;
And view the much-lov'd Manes of his Sire.
Strait the divining Virgin rais'd her Eyes;
And, foaming with a holy Rage, replies:
O thou, whose Worth thy wond'rous Works proclaim;
The Flames, thy Piety; the World, thy Fame:
Tho great be thy Request, yet shalt thou see
Th Elysian Fields, th'infernal Monarchy;
Thy Parent's Shade: This Arm thy Steps shall guide;
To suppliant Virtue nothing is deny'd.
She spoke, and pointing to the Golden Bough,
Which in th Avernian Grove refulgent grew,
Seize That, She bids; He listens to the Maid;
Then views the mournful Mansions of the Dead:
The Shade of Great Anchises , and the Place
By Fates determin'd to the Trojan Race.
As back to upper Light the Hero came,
He thus salutes the Visionary Dame. —
O, whether some propitious Deity,
Or lov'd by those bright Rulers of the Sky!
With grateful Incense I shall stile you One,
And deem no Godhead greater than your own
'Twas you restor'd me from the Realms of Night,
And gave me to behold the Fields of Light;
To feel the Breezes of Congenial Air;
And Nature's blest Benevolence to share.
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