Be True to Your Condition in Life

It is the best, erely and late,
Uche mon kepe his owne state.

In what order or what degree
Holy Cherche hath bound thee to
Kepe it welle, I counsel thee,
Desire thou never to go therfro,
I say algate.

A hye worship it is to thee
To kepe thy state and thy good name,
Lewd or lered, where-ere it be,
Elles God and mon thay woll thee blame,
I say algate.

Fore four obisions now shull ye here
That God hates ille in his sight,
A harde prest, a proud frere,
An old mon lechoure, a coward knight,
I say algate.

A prest shuld shew uche mon mekeness,
And leve in love and charity:
Throgh his grace and his goodness
Set all other in unity,
I say algate.

A frere shuld love all holiness,
Prayers, penans and poverty:
Religious men, Christ hem ches
To foresake pride and vainglory,
I say algate.

An old mon shuld kepe him chast,
And leve the sinne of lechory;
All wedded men shuld be stedfast,
And foresake the sin of avowtry,
I say algate.

A knight shuld feght ayains falsness,
And shew his monhod and his might,
And maintene trouth and rightwisness,
And Holy Cherche and widowes right,
I say algate.

Here be all the foure estates
In Holy Cherche God hath ordent:
He bedes you kepe hem well algate,
Whosoever hem shomes he will be shent,
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