On a Dying Young Lady
The lively blush had lefTher modest cheek
By sickness stain'd; each blooming grace was fled;
The lovely charmer thrice essay'd to speak,
In vain my Patty rear'd her drooping head!
Her beauteous form resign'd its native grace,
Her charming tongue had lost its utt'ring pow'r;
Death's chilling damps stood trembling in her face,
Like ev'ning dews upon a faded flow'r.
No guilty tremors shook her peaceful breast,
Few were th'offences thaTher life had giv'n;
Th'immortal pow'rs ordain'd her to be bless'd,
And fair Religion led the way to heav'n.
With her last breath my Patty cry'd, Farewel,
Adieu to every pleasure life bestows!
Let those who see my parting moments tell,
That my bless'd spirit finds in heav'n repose.
The lively blush had lefTher modest cheek
By sickness stain'd; each blooming grace was fled;
The lovely charmer thrice essay'd to speak,
In vain my Patty rear'd her drooping head!
Her beauteous form resign'd its native grace,
Her charming tongue had lost its utt'ring pow'r;
Death's chilling damps stood trembling in her face,
Like ev'ning dews upon a faded flow'r.
No guilty tremors shook her peaceful breast,
Few were th'offences thaTher life had giv'n;
Th'immortal pow'rs ordain'd her to be bless'd,
And fair Religion led the way to heav'n.
With her last breath my Patty cry'd, Farewel,
Adieu to every pleasure life bestows!
Let those who see my parting moments tell,
That my bless'd spirit finds in heav'n repose.
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