Gipsy Love-Making

My mother's gone a-wandering
Away to yonder town;
My father in the alehouse
Is safely settled down;
There's not a girl to gossip;
There's not a lad at home:
I'm all alone and waiting—
So come, my darling, come!
Tell me what I'm doing
By the fire-light here,
All for you, love, all for true love,
All for luck, my dear.

I told a lady's fortune
In that big house hard by
No Gipsy could have done it
More cleverly than I;
I promised that she'd marry
A lord with heaps of gold;
She filled my hand with silver,
As much as I could hold.
I can chatter, flatter
Gorgios far and near,
All for you, love, all for true love,
All for luck, my dear!

Oh, Rommanis are cunning!
I know what I'm about;
I hid away the money,
Where no one found it out.
I bought some flour last evening—
I bought it secretly;
Come, now the cake is ready,
And nobody to see.
Meal so white, money bright,
Baked together here,
All for you, love, all for true love,
All for luck, my dear!

Wait near the hedge awhile, lad,
Stay yet a moment, stay—
I'm coming now to meet you,
In our old Gipsy way.
I'll throw the cake right over,
Although the hedge is high:
Go, drink to me, my lover,
Go—drink the tavern dry!
What is this? First a kiss?—
Plenty, never fear;
All for you, love, all for true love,
All for luck, my dear!
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