Hecatompathia; or, Passionate Century of Love37

If Jove himself be subject unto love
And range the woods to find a mortal prey;
If Neptune from the seas himself remove,
And seek on sands with earthly wights to play:
Then may I love my peerless choice by right,
Who far excels each other mortal wight.
If Pluto could by love be drawn from hell,
To yield himself a silly virgin's thrall;
If Phoebus could vouchsafe on earth to dwell,
To win a rustic maid unto his call;
Then how much more should I adore the sight
Of her, in whom the heavens themselves delight?
If country Pan might follow nymphs in chase,
And yet through love remain devoid of blame;
If Satyrs were excus'd for seeking grace
To joy the fruits of any mortal dame;
Then why should I once doubt to love her still,
On whom ne Gods nor men can gaze their fill?
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