On His Mistress Going to Sea
Farewell fair saint, may not the seas and wind
Swell like the heart and eyes you leave behind,
But calme and gentle (like the looks they bear)
Smile on your face and whisper in your eare:
Let no foule billow offer to arise
That it may nearer look upon your eyes,
Lest wind and waves enamoured with such form
Should throng and crowd themselves into a storm;
But if it be your fate (vast Seas) to love,
Of my becalmed heart learn how to move:
Move then, but in a gentle lovers pace,
No wrinkles nor no furrows in your face;
And ye fierce winds see that you tell your tale
In such a breath as may but fill her sail:
So whilst you court her each his severall way
You will her safely to her port convay;
And loose her in a noble way of wooing,
Whilst both contribute to your own undoing.
Swell like the heart and eyes you leave behind,
But calme and gentle (like the looks they bear)
Smile on your face and whisper in your eare:
Let no foule billow offer to arise
That it may nearer look upon your eyes,
Lest wind and waves enamoured with such form
Should throng and crowd themselves into a storm;
But if it be your fate (vast Seas) to love,
Of my becalmed heart learn how to move:
Move then, but in a gentle lovers pace,
No wrinkles nor no furrows in your face;
And ye fierce winds see that you tell your tale
In such a breath as may but fill her sail:
So whilst you court her each his severall way
You will her safely to her port convay;
And loose her in a noble way of wooing,
Whilst both contribute to your own undoing.
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