Lost as Strangers as We Pass
The summer rose in loves own hue
Blushes and blooms so fair and free
I gaze on the[e] with looks as true
Thou look'st on me and vacancy
Can'st thou look here and all forget
The place the time is nothing there
Then pity man whose so beset
And woman e'er was made so fair.
Thy swelling breast is just the same
As when we met and lov'd so true
The Evening sun went down in flame
And shed her shower of pearly dew
My arm was o'er thy shoulders thrown
Thy gentle hand was held in mine
And now I pass to thee unknown
Thy eye that brightens only mine.
I guess and know and own it not
We're lost as strangers and we pass
Though there's green places unforgot
Where love would clasp my bonny lass
Aye clasp her in the fondest arms
And hold her like a lump of love
The same flowers grow in fields and farms
The same blue sky is arched above.
Blushes and blooms so fair and free
I gaze on the[e] with looks as true
Thou look'st on me and vacancy
Can'st thou look here and all forget
The place the time is nothing there
Then pity man whose so beset
And woman e'er was made so fair.
Thy swelling breast is just the same
As when we met and lov'd so true
The Evening sun went down in flame
And shed her shower of pearly dew
My arm was o'er thy shoulders thrown
Thy gentle hand was held in mine
And now I pass to thee unknown
Thy eye that brightens only mine.
I guess and know and own it not
We're lost as strangers and we pass
Though there's green places unforgot
Where love would clasp my bonny lass
Aye clasp her in the fondest arms
And hold her like a lump of love
The same flowers grow in fields and farms
The same blue sky is arched above.
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