Mary and Her Son Alone

Mary hath born alone
The Son of God in throne.

That maiden mild her child did kepe,
As moders doth ech one,
But her dere Son full sore did wepe
For sinfull man alone.

She rocked Him and sung " Lullay",
But ever He made grete mone.
" Dere Son", she said, " tell, I thee pray,
Why thou dost wepe alone."

" Moder", He said, " I shall be slain
That sin did never none,
And suffer deth with wofull pain:
Therfore I wepe alone."

" Lullay", she said, " slepe and be still,
And let be all thy mone,
For all thing is at thine own will,
In heven and erth, alone."

" Moder", He said, " how shuld I slepe?
How shuld I leve my mone?
I have more cause to sob and wepe,
Sith I shall die alone."

" Dere Son", she said, " the King of Bliss,
That is so high in throne,
Knoweth that thou didest never amiss.
Why shuldest thou dy alone?"

" Moder", He said, " only of thee
I tooke both flesh and bone
To save mankind and make it free
With my hert-blood alone."

" Dere Son", she said, " thou art equall
To God that is in throne;
For man, therfore, that is so thrall
Why shuldest thou dy alone?"

" Moder", He said, " my Faders will
And myn, they be but one;
Therfore by skill I must fulfill
My Faders will alone."

" Dere Son", she said, " sith thou hast take
Of me both flesh and bone,
If it may be, me not forsake
In care and and wo alone."

" For man I must the raunsome pay,
The which to hell is gone,
Moder", He said, " on Good Friday,
For he may not alone."

" Dere Son", she said unto Him tho,
" When thou fro me art gone,
Then shall I live in care and wo
Without confort, alone."

" Moder", He said, " take thou no thought,
For me make thou no mone;
When I have bought that I have wrought,
Thou shalt not be alone."

" On the third day, I thee behight,
After that I am gone,
I will arise by my grete might
And confort thee alone."
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