Meditation 13: Col. 2.3. All the Treasures of Wisdom -

Thou Glory Darkning Glory, with thy Flame
Should all Quaint Metaphors teem ev'ry Bud
Of Sparkling Eloquence upon the same
It would appeare as dawbing pearls with mud.
Nay Angells Wits are Childish tricks, and like
The Darksom night unto thy Lightsom Light.

Oh! Choicest Cabbinet, more Choice than gold
Or Wealthist Pearles Wherein all Pearls of Price
All Treasures of Choice Wisdom manifold
Inthroned reign. Thou Cabinet most Choice
Not scant to hold, not staind with cloudy geere
The Shining Sun of Wisdom bowling there.

Thou Shining Golden Lanthorn with pain'd Lights
Of Chrystall cleare, thy golden Candles flame,
Makes such a Shine, as doth the Sun benights.
Its but a Smoaky vapor to the Same.
All Wisdom knead into a Chrystall Ball,
Shines like the Sun in thee, its azure Hall.

Thou rowling Eye of Light, to thee are sent
All Dazzling Beams of Shine the Heavens distill.
All Wisdoms Troops do quarter in thy Tents
And all her Treasures Cabin in thy tills.
Be thou, Lord, mine: then I shall Wealthy bee,
Enricht with Wisdoms Treasures, Stoughd in thee.

That little Grain within my golden Bowle,
Should it attempt to poise thy Talent cleare,
It would inoculate into my Soule,
As illookt Impudence as ever were.
But, loe, it stands amaizd, and doth adore,
Thy Magazeen of Wisdom, and thy Store.
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