Across the daily  bridge I stoop,
to gaze upon the world,
always with the option overhead,
two faces of the same mint,
or just as likely liquid mirror,
in the very widest sense,
but such ad hoc aspects wanting,
further clarity as time unfolds,
ripple of the passing current,
flutter from a proud human voice,
stir in the second musings,
the sort that flit erratically,
with side to side dawn chanson,
Am I lost to early groundswell?
when observing without ruse,
at the recess of each bend,
as I journey through the morn,
with that omniscient perk,
one hailed as living wonder,
which far too few revel in,
despite its  spectrum burst,
those clouds of energy,
magically arouse contagion boundless,
catchment hub without a catch,
spiral vim catcher taking  hold,
keep that thought circulating,
hold that second, clutch that minute,
grasp the hour,  stake your day,
season doesn’t matter at this point,
exhilarated cluster like a roundabout,
whirring, spinning, care free,
vortex, suction cup, tantaliser,
ample flourish latest vocal trend,
inhibition, tight  restraint, closed lip,
inapt, not welcome, not here,
if only  life zest would  prevail,
magnet for enthusiast of whom,
the myriads exalt subliminally,
I swear an oath to cosmos,
unswerving  in my fervor



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