The Mercies of the Year
Heaven's MERCY shines, Wonders and Glorys meet;
Angels are lost in sweet surprize to see't.
The Circle of the Year is well near Run
Earth's- Conflagration is not yet begun.
Heaven spares the Bulwark of our Peace , King GEORGE;
Our CHARTER holds; and Privileges large.
Our GOVERNOUR and SENATORS can meet;
And Greet, and Join in Consultation sweet.
Though Great our Loss in GREENWOOD'S bless'd Translation;
Yet well fill'd Pulpits bless the Little Nation .
New Churches Gather'd; Th' Eastern Peace not lost;
And Satan's overthrown with all his Host.
Sickness from Distant Lands Arrives, and Fears;
JEHOVAH in the Mount as oft Appears .
Contagion stops with Precious Captain GORE;
How Great our Loss? But Heav'n will draw no more.
Tho' ripening HEAT came late , yet Frost held off,
We Reap the Harvest , and have Bread enough.
Provision's dear, Goods high, Bills low, Cash none;
And yet the Suffering Tribe is not Undone .
A Miracle! That Ocean-Seas of Sin,
Have not prevail'd to let a Deluge in!
That Earth's upheld to bear the heavy Load!
Adore the Grace of a Long suffering GOD!
Some Vices in the Church not yet subdu'd;
Old Barren Vines and Trees, not yet down hew'd.
Sinners, not sent to their Deserved Place;
A YEAR is added to their DAY of Grace.
The Fugitive may be returned home;
The Foe to GOD, a Favourite become:
Who have no shelter from Thy Jealous Eye,
JESUS! for shelter to thy Wounds may Fly.
The whole Years space for Faith, Repentance, Prayer;
The Most have not improved well, I Fear:
Look then, with broken Hearts , upon your ways;
And see, your Future Lives , JEHOVAH Praise .
Heaven's MERCY shines, Wonders and Glorys meet;
Angels are lost in sweet surprize to see't.
The Circle of the Year is well near Run
Earth's- Conflagration is not yet begun.
Heaven spares the Bulwark of our Peace , King GEORGE;
Our CHARTER holds; and Privileges large.
Our GOVERNOUR and SENATORS can meet;
And Greet, and Join in Consultation sweet.
Though Great our Loss in GREENWOOD'S bless'd Translation;
Yet well fill'd Pulpits bless the Little Nation .
New Churches Gather'd; Th' Eastern Peace not lost;
And Satan's overthrown with all his Host.
Sickness from Distant Lands Arrives, and Fears;
JEHOVAH in the Mount as oft Appears .
Contagion stops with Precious Captain GORE;
How Great our Loss? But Heav'n will draw no more.
Tho' ripening HEAT came late , yet Frost held off,
We Reap the Harvest , and have Bread enough.
Provision's dear, Goods high, Bills low, Cash none;
And yet the Suffering Tribe is not Undone .
A Miracle! That Ocean-Seas of Sin,
Have not prevail'd to let a Deluge in!
That Earth's upheld to bear the heavy Load!
Adore the Grace of a Long suffering GOD!
Some Vices in the Church not yet subdu'd;
Old Barren Vines and Trees, not yet down hew'd.
Sinners, not sent to their Deserved Place;
A YEAR is added to their DAY of Grace.
The Fugitive may be returned home;
The Foe to GOD, a Favourite become:
Who have no shelter from Thy Jealous Eye,
JESUS! for shelter to thy Wounds may Fly.
The whole Years space for Faith, Repentance, Prayer;
The Most have not improved well, I Fear:
Look then, with broken Hearts , upon your ways;
And see, your Future Lives , JEHOVAH Praise .
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