The Morning wakes dewy & sunny & light
The morning wakes dewy & sunny & light
By the hedges the Arum's green glossy and bright
And spring's getting greener from morning to night
The dews pearl on pilewort & on violets blue
Rural maids by the stile court their lovers so true
I' the hedges hedge sparrows continually cheep
Further in by the mossy roots primroses peep
Riddled wool on the white thorn torn off from the sheep
I' the green leaves hangs white as snows melted & fled
While the ivy leaves bright shiver wispers o'er head
Like the wispering of lovers, that each other greet —
The blackthorn's in blossom as white as a sheet
The green moss elastic springing under the feet
While cuckoo's and blue bells sprout up and appear
And shows where the dew fell the spring o' the year.
The morning wakes dewy & sunny & light
By the hedges the Arum's green glossy and bright
And spring's getting greener from morning to night
The dews pearl on pilewort & on violets blue
Rural maids by the stile court their lovers so true
I' the hedges hedge sparrows continually cheep
Further in by the mossy roots primroses peep
Riddled wool on the white thorn torn off from the sheep
I' the green leaves hangs white as snows melted & fled
While the ivy leaves bright shiver wispers o'er head
Like the wispering of lovers, that each other greet —
The blackthorn's in blossom as white as a sheet
The green moss elastic springing under the feet
While cuckoo's and blue bells sprout up and appear
And shows where the dew fell the spring o' the year.
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