One Summer Sunday Morning

One summer Sunday morning The bells for Church did chime
Hedges the May adorning Just like some foreign clime
Where Emma was a walking By brooks that run so clear
And whispering reeds were talking Love stories in her ear.

She loved the fields and closes And her eyes upon them cast
She loved the wild hedge roses And she pluckt one as she passed
She loved the whispering sedges Like her lovers voice to hear
And the May upon the hedges With the blackbirds singing clear.

She loved them all so dearly Where I told a lovers tale
By the waters running clearly And the May bush i' the vale
The sky was full o' pale clouds And of wild flowers the hay
The willows waved like grey shrouds That happy Sabbath day.

I loved her in beholding And kissed her cheek so sweet
And in my arms enfolding I felt her bosom beat
She seemed in no delemma And never heaved a sigh
Twas thus I courted Emma And I'll love her till I die.
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