Parthenophil and Parthenophe - 14

Harke all you louely Nymphes forlorne,
With Venus chast Diana meetes,
And one another friendly greetes:
Did you not here her wynde an horne?
Then cease fayre Ladyes do not morne.

Virgines (whom Venus made offend)
Resort into the wood at euen,
And euery one shall be forgiuen:
There shall all controuersies end,
Diana shall be Venus friende.

Harke (Nympes forlorne) what is decreede:
Spottelesse Diana (must not fayle)
But be adrest with Venus vayle,
Venus must weare Dianaes weede:
This vayle will shadow, when you neede,

If any thinke a virgine light
Dian'e in Venus vayle excuseth,
And her Nymphe Phoebes habite vseth:
These queinte attyres befit you right,
For each a diuerse garment chuseth.
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