
Peace upon men abundant showers
Riches of Plenty; honey-breathing flowers
Of song; on sculptured altars rise
The yellow fires of sacrifice
From woolly sheep and oxen's savoury thighs.
The youths in sports of naked strength rejoice,
Mingle in social feast and give the flute a voice.
Round the rings of iron mail
Their webs the blackening spiders trail;
And the red rust with eating canker wears
The two-edged swords and pointed spears.
The hollow brazen tubes no longer fill
The air with clanging echoes shrill:
Nor soul-embalming slumber flies
Despoiled from human eyes:
Slumber, that only can impart
Soft refreshing to the heart.
The streets are burdened with the pleasant noise,
The trampling feet and busy hum
Of those that to the banquet come,
And fervid hymns are sung by troops of blooming boys.
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