Pleasure Reconciled to Virtue

A Masque As it was Presented at Court before King James 1619

The Scene was the Mountaine


Who had his top ending in the figure of an old man, his head
and beard all hoary, and frost, as if his shoulders were covered
with snow; the rest Wood, and Rocke. A Grove of Ivie at his feet;
out of which, to a wilde Musicke of Cymbals, Flutes, and Tabers is
brought forth , COMUS the God of Cheere, or the Belly, riding in
Triumph, his head crownd with Roses, and other flowers, his haire
curled: They that waite upon him crownd with Ivie, their
Javelins done about with it; one of them going with Hercules his
Boule bare before him, while the rest presented him with this
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