A Poem upon the Triumphant Translation of…Mrs. Anne Eliot
From This Life to a Better.
on March 24th, 1687. Aetatis Suae. 84
All Hallelujahs, Oh ye Heav'nly Quires ,
Ye Powers , ye Winged and Immortal Fires!
Redouble to the Highest ONE :
Here's Joy, to your Eternal Jubile
Advanc'd, by th' New come welcome Company
of a Bright Soul , but lately flown.
With Sacred Symphony ,
Her happy State.
Haile! Happy Soul! In Luster excellent
Transcending far the Starry Firmament ,
Which is thy Footstool now become:
With all the World, America shall Vye,
For to Produce thy Peer: Now cast thine Eye
All round about that Spacious Room,
None shalt thou see
Of Blest Women ,
Much more Triumphant than
Thy self to be.
Haile! Thou Sagacious and Advent'rous Soul!
Haile, Amazon! Created to Controll
Weak Nature's Foes, and t' take her part,
The King of Terrours, Thou, ('till the Command
Irrevocable came to Stay thy Hand,)
Didst oft Repel , by thy Choice Art :
By High Decree ,
Long didst thou stand
An Atlas, in Heav'n's Hand
To th' World to be.
All Hallelujahs to His bounteous Care ,
That such a Peerless Consort did Prepare
For HIM, whom Sacred Things with held
From Seculars ; Who was to Gospellize ,
And Preach Redemption to GODS Enemys
Beyound all Memory , Rebell'd:
For his sake , sure,
Thine Aged Life
It did with Death in Strife
So long endure.
Heav'n's Richest Spices, Choicest Graces were
[ Queen Esther like,] allotted to Thy Share ,
For to Prepare Thee for Thy KING:
Thee, to Pay Table , for Full Recompence ,
With Interest , for all thy Vast Expense ,
Angels , on Wings of Grace, strait, bring:
As Phaltiel ,
Mourning, Thee follow'th near,
J. D.
on March 24th, 1687. Aetatis Suae. 84
All Hallelujahs, Oh ye Heav'nly Quires ,
Ye Powers , ye Winged and Immortal Fires!
Redouble to the Highest ONE :
Here's Joy, to your Eternal Jubile
Advanc'd, by th' New come welcome Company
of a Bright Soul , but lately flown.
With Sacred Symphony ,
Her happy State.
Haile! Happy Soul! In Luster excellent
Transcending far the Starry Firmament ,
Which is thy Footstool now become:
With all the World, America shall Vye,
For to Produce thy Peer: Now cast thine Eye
All round about that Spacious Room,
None shalt thou see
Of Blest Women ,
Much more Triumphant than
Thy self to be.
Haile! Thou Sagacious and Advent'rous Soul!
Haile, Amazon! Created to Controll
Weak Nature's Foes, and t' take her part,
The King of Terrours, Thou, ('till the Command
Irrevocable came to Stay thy Hand,)
Didst oft Repel , by thy Choice Art :
By High Decree ,
Long didst thou stand
An Atlas, in Heav'n's Hand
To th' World to be.
All Hallelujahs to His bounteous Care ,
That such a Peerless Consort did Prepare
For HIM, whom Sacred Things with held
From Seculars ; Who was to Gospellize ,
And Preach Redemption to GODS Enemys
Beyound all Memory , Rebell'd:
For his sake , sure,
Thine Aged Life
It did with Death in Strife
So long endure.
Heav'n's Richest Spices, Choicest Graces were
[ Queen Esther like,] allotted to Thy Share ,
For to Prepare Thee for Thy KING:
Thee, to Pay Table , for Full Recompence ,
With Interest , for all thy Vast Expense ,
Angels , on Wings of Grace, strait, bring:
As Phaltiel ,
Mourning, Thee follow'th near,
J. D.
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