The Sea's Abundant Progeny
The king of waters, the Sea shouldering Whale,
The snuffing Grampus, with the oyly Seale,
The storme presaging Porpus, Herring-Hogge,
Line shearing Sharke, the Catfish, and Sea Dogge,
The Scale fenc'd Sturgeon, wry mouthd Hollibut,
The flounsing Sammon, Codfish, Greedigut:
Cole, Haddocke, Ha[k]e, the Thornebacke, and the Scate,
Whose slimie outside makes him selde in date,
The stately Basse old Neptunes fleeting post,
That tides it out and in from Sea to Coast.
Consorting Herrings, and the bony Shad,
Big bellied Alewives, Machrills richly clad
With Rainebow colours, th' Frostfish and the Smelt,
As good as ever lady Gustus felt.
The spotted Lamprons, Eeles, the Lamperies,
That seeks fresh water brookes with Argus eyes:
These waterie villagers with thousands more,
Do passe and repasse neare the verdant shore.
Kinds of Shel-fish
The luscious Lobster, with the Crabfish raw,
The Brinish Oister, Muscle, Periwigge,
And Tortoise sought for by the Indian Squaw,
Which to the flats daunce many a winters Jigge,
To dive for Cocles, and to digge for Clamms,
Whereby her lazie husbands guts shee cramms.
The snuffing Grampus, with the oyly Seale,
The storme presaging Porpus, Herring-Hogge,
Line shearing Sharke, the Catfish, and Sea Dogge,
The Scale fenc'd Sturgeon, wry mouthd Hollibut,
The flounsing Sammon, Codfish, Greedigut:
Cole, Haddocke, Ha[k]e, the Thornebacke, and the Scate,
Whose slimie outside makes him selde in date,
The stately Basse old Neptunes fleeting post,
That tides it out and in from Sea to Coast.
Consorting Herrings, and the bony Shad,
Big bellied Alewives, Machrills richly clad
With Rainebow colours, th' Frostfish and the Smelt,
As good as ever lady Gustus felt.
The spotted Lamprons, Eeles, the Lamperies,
That seeks fresh water brookes with Argus eyes:
These waterie villagers with thousands more,
Do passe and repasse neare the verdant shore.
Kinds of Shel-fish
The luscious Lobster, with the Crabfish raw,
The Brinish Oister, Muscle, Periwigge,
And Tortoise sought for by the Indian Squaw,
Which to the flats daunce many a winters Jigge,
To dive for Cocles, and to digge for Clamms,
Whereby her lazie husbands guts shee cramms.
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