Sejour d'honneur, Le -
.... Pleasure vault had rather a bitter complaincte,
As for long crying and contraincte life
The fact that we did lose and dommaiger,
Little we see currently advantager,
For Telz regretz not to do so plaincte.
Either the person devote Asses and holy,
For his salvation with fear mainte,
What happens there, certainly, for abreiger,
Vault had rather fun.
It is so good that if he had emprainte
In her heart, and Figure paincte
Well that worldly lives chalenger,
Brief, which veult about my habituate,
I say and want cestus Reigle without feigned,
Vault had rather fun.
The pleasures of the people are different,
The ungs traveling on wheels to the Habitz,
The other black and tender mourning,
But its veult estendre desire,
By me all goods are recouvers.
The peult in singing hymns and verses,
If you spend many yvers fault,
Before that can take them
Some are chices and obverse
Other wide and ouvers,
The ungs fear too despendre,
Some will go about without surrender,
And often put in reverse,
Pleasure or mourning, deffortune or leesse,
Craincte or seurete, frank willing or destresse,
Compassion, discipline, work, or long rest
Accidents are all human suppostz,
Coming tost and bientost allowed to.
And ja is gold fortune continues
Keep cueurs of the living in the lesse,
About neantmoints should have ung,
Pleasure or mourning.
That too deult is follye or simpleness,
Who prent of joy too Aussy grant largesse,
Veult rush and without question the grans shots
Brief, I want the nombrement of folz,
And do not get sor if ever
Pleasure or mourning.
Pleasures are good, but not qu'ilz empeschent soul
His salvation and that lady is tousjours
The wicked body, which tends only sin,
But as his property is a hinders,
Any such pleasure serves him as blasme.
Loadstone Autruy not doing harm to soul,
His neighbor keeping honor and fame,
In this case as in the vitiated,
Pleasures are good.
But who gets the love game,
And veult aymer or maiden or lady,
By mad love where it is aleche,
Its doing is wrong, brief, this item is ung Trenche
As the item has reproach or defames,
Pleasures are good.
.... Pleasure vault had rather a bitter complaincte,
As for long crying and contraincte life
The fact that we did lose and dommaiger,
Little we see currently advantager,
For Telz regretz not to do so plaincte.
Either the person devote Asses and holy,
For his salvation with fear mainte,
What happens there, certainly, for abreiger,
Vault had rather fun.
It is so good that if he had emprainte
In her heart, and Figure paincte
Well that worldly lives chalenger,
Brief, which veult about my habituate,
I say and want cestus Reigle without feigned,
Vault had rather fun.
The pleasures of the people are different,
The ungs traveling on wheels to the Habitz,
The other black and tender mourning,
But its veult estendre desire,
By me all goods are recouvers.
The peult in singing hymns and verses,
If you spend many yvers fault,
Before that can take them
Some are chices and obverse
Other wide and ouvers,
The ungs fear too despendre,
Some will go about without surrender,
And often put in reverse,
Pleasure or mourning, deffortune or leesse,
Craincte or seurete, frank willing or destresse,
Compassion, discipline, work, or long rest
Accidents are all human suppostz,
Coming tost and bientost allowed to.
And ja is gold fortune continues
Keep cueurs of the living in the lesse,
About neantmoints should have ung,
Pleasure or mourning.
That too deult is follye or simpleness,
Who prent of joy too Aussy grant largesse,
Veult rush and without question the grans shots
Brief, I want the nombrement of folz,
And do not get sor if ever
Pleasure or mourning.
Pleasures are good, but not qu'ilz empeschent soul
His salvation and that lady is tousjours
The wicked body, which tends only sin,
But as his property is a hinders,
Any such pleasure serves him as blasme.
Loadstone Autruy not doing harm to soul,
His neighbor keeping honor and fame,
In this case as in the vitiated,
Pleasures are good.
But who gets the love game,
And veult aymer or maiden or lady,
By mad love where it is aleche,
Its doing is wrong, brief, this item is ung Trenche
As the item has reproach or defames,
Pleasures are good.
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