Shri Shyam Sundara, The Sweet Flutist

1. Shri Shyam Sundara, the sweet flutist,
Ethereal, eternal flute-player!
Know not, Brahma, Vishnu, Maheshwar
Ethereal, eternal, sweet flutist!
(Lord Krishna, to Parmanand being three in one)

2. O, Keshav, Keshava,
Soft, feathered fan, we'll use
In Obeisance and prayers to Thee
O, Shiva, I see you everywhere or
(Shiva, the omnipresent that thou art)
Reshis found Thee not, anywhere,
O, Bishambara!
Ethereal, eternal, sweet flutist!
C/P LV. Number one, N.Sh. Number

3. O, thee, the source of seven seas,
Who hast ferried those that
Have landed across?
Fourteen jewels, hath thee,
Turned out to be,
O, Shridhara !
Ethereal, eternal, sweet flutist !

4. Taking Thee for a child among children.
We play together with Thee, all
Elegantly draped, groomed and
Well decorated-O, Rethendar !
Ethereal, eternal, sweet flutist !

5. O. Thee Shankara in reality amongst
Angelic fairies,
Fragrant garlands we have
Woven for Thee!
Gandharvas sing for Thee,
O, beauteous Lord Krishna !
Ethereal, eternal, sweet flutist !

6. East, West, South and North
Eager eyes gaze with anxious looks:
Our eyes swollen in the gazing
Listless, motionless and numb,
In waiting with focussed minds !
Ethereal eternal, sweet flutist !

7. Weeping and filling
Pools with tears,
We are:
Hearth thee not these implorings?
Light's bedimming on pillars:
Haunting pangs are deepening !
Ethereal, eternal, sweet flutist !

8. Tumbled down, we have, but
Stone-hearted have Thee become!
Havn't we bedecked Thy path
With our eyeballs clean?
Grace us with Thy presence before it's
Too late to save our face !
Ethereal, eternal, sweet flutist !

9. Cows and calves have stayed back,
With faith in Thee !
In faith, they have stayed back,
It seems !
Would that we would go
Home Along with them all !
Ethereal, eternal, sweet flutist !
C/P L.V. 23.

10. The biggest ocean of mercy is
OMA to us !
Aren't you the gainer, and
We, the losers?
Lord god, the grace of thy Darshan
Would satiate our Craving !
Ethereal, eternal, sweet flutist !

11. When the errands from Gokal
Came, saying:
Searching Him all around,
They found Him not anywhere !
'Re-searching Him again
In and outside Gokal'
They began a new !
Ethereal, eternal, sweet, flutist !

12. Seeking thee we go
From jungle to jungle with faith
In Thee! Grace us with Thy presence
And, we'll hold thee to our bosoms !
O, Jasudha Nandana, darling son
Of Vasudeva !
Ethereal, eternal, sweet flutist !

13. Parmanand speaks strangely:
Naked Thy have come, and
All Naked'ld they depart:
Parmanand'll use his own
Measuring rod to check
Ethereal, eternal, sweet flutist!


Paramanand talks in riddles:
Craving they came and,
Craving departed !
Using his own measures, will
He verify something;
Ethereal, eternal, sweet flutist!

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