Something about Silence

But some do say, We marvel much, that you can sit Silent,
We do conceive it no profit, nor are with it content;
For if that we should sit a while, silent from hearing breath,
Our mind a wandring then would be up and down in the Earth:
And so contriving in our hearts, whats to be done, we plot
Till there be something we know not that on our heart doth smote:
And if this earthly spirit act, for which we feel this smart,
Some former evil we have done, lyes gnawing of our heart.
So to this outward Ear we must have Objects that do sound,
That the inward Intelect may, thereby be wholly drown'd :
For that which doth us thus reprove, and on our hearts doth smite,
Doth silence make our burthen, 'cause it brings that to our sight;
For this is that to us doth shew, the evils we have done,
In silence we are made to know, therefore we silence shun .
And so among the trees do run, our selves there for to hide,
For this same small still Voice, at all, by no means we abide .
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