
The daiseys golden eye
On the fallow land doth lie
Though the spring is just begun
Pewets watch it all the day
& the sky larks nest of hay
Leans agen its group of leaves in the sun.

Theres the pilewort all in gold
Neath that ridge of finest mould
Blooms to cheer the ploughmans eye
There the mouse his hole hath made
& beneath its golden shade
Hides secure when the hawk is prowling bye.

Heres the speedwells sapphire blue
Was there anything more true
To the vernal season still
Here it decks the bank alone
Where the milkmaid throws a stone
At morn to cross the flooded rill.

Here the cowslap chill with cold
On the rushy bed behold
Looking for [the] spring all day
Where the heavy bee will come
& find no sweets at home
Then quakes his weary wings & flyes away.

& here are nameless flowers
Culled from cold & rawky hours
For Marys happy home
They grew in murky blea
Rush fields & naked lea
But suns will shine & pleasing spring will come.
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