A Song of Two Angels

Two angels came through the gate of Heaven.
(White and soft is a mother's breast!)
Stayed them both by the gate of Heaven;
Rested a little on folded wings,
Spake a little of holy things.
(In Heaven alone is perfect rest!)

Over them rose the golden steeps,
Heaven's castled and golden steeps;
Under them, depth on depth of space
Fell away from the holy place.

" Brother, and now I must take my way,
Glad and joyful must take my way,
Down to the realm of day and night;
Down to yon earth that rolls so bright. "

" Brother, I too am thither sent;
Sad and silent, am thither sent.
Let us together softly wing
Our flight to yon world of sorrowing. "

Down they swept through the shining air,
Swiftly sped through the shining air, —
This one bright as the sunset's glow,
That one white as the falling snow.

" Brother, and tell me your errand now!
Tell me your joyful errand now! "
" A little new soul must wake on earth,
And I carry the blessing for its birth. "

" And tell me, brother, what task is yours?
Dear white angel, what task is yours? "
" To bear a soul back to Heaven's height, —
A mother, whose child is born to-night. "

" Ah! will the mother be sad to go?
Loath to leave her baby and go? "
" Hush, dear angel! she will not know.
God in His mercy wills it so. "

" Ah! will the baby wake forlorn?
Seek its mother, and weep forlorn? "
" Hush, dear angel! we may not know.
God, knowing all things, wills it so. "

Down they swept through the dusky air,
Swiftly sped through the dusky air;
Trod the dim earth with noiseless feet;
Softly stole through a village street.

Now they came to a cottage door,
Stayed them both at a cottage door, —
This one bright as the sunset's glow,
That one white as the falling snow.

" Brother, I trow we here must part!
Dear white angel, we here must part!
For this low door I must enter by. "
" Alas! and alas! so too must I! "

Sad they gazed in each other's face;
(White and soft is a mother's breast;)
Lingered and looked in each other's face;
Then folded their hands in silent prayer,
And so together they entered there.
(In Heaven alone is perfect rest.)
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