Storys to rede ar delitabill

S TORYSS to rede ar delitabill,
Supposs that thai be nocht bot fabill:
Than suld storyss that suthfast wer,
And thai war said on gud maner,
Hawe doubill plesance in heryng.
The fyrst plesance is the carpyng;
And the tothir the suthfastnes,
That schawys the thing rycht as it wes:
And such thyngis that are likand
Tyll mannys heryng ar plesand.
Tharfor I wald fayne set my will,
Giff my wyt mycht suffice thartill,
To put in wryt a suthfast story,
That it lest ay furth in memory
Swa that na tyme of lenth it let,
Na ger it haly be foryet.
For auld storys, that men redys,
Representis to thaim the dedys
Of stalwart folk, that lywyt ar,
Rycht as thai than in presence war.
And certes, thai suld weill hawe pryss
That in thair tyme war wycht and wiss;
And led thair lyff in gret trawaill,
And oft, in hard stour off bataill,
Wan rycht gret price off chewalry,
And war woydyt off cowardy.
As wes king Robert off Scotland,
That hardy wes off hart and hand;
And gud Schyr James off Douglas,
That in his tyme sa worthy was,
That off hys price; and hys bounte,
In fer landis renownyt wes he.
Off thaim I thynk this buk to ma:
Now God gyff grace that I may swa
Tret it, and bryng it till endyng,
That I say nocht bot suthfast thing!
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