To the Tallapoosa River

River, sweet River, with thy path of light,
And glittering treasures for the sea,
Exulting ever in thy mountain might
Of gathered waters, fetterless and free;
Well may the lone heart love to muse by thee,
To mark thy beauties varying as they rise,
To fix thine image in the heart, to be
In stranger lands and 'neath far distant skies
The peerless star of peace and brightest memories.

The rock that saw thy wave to beauty start,
A silver streamlet from the mountain's crest,
And the sweet valley where e'en now my heart
Looks out upon thy cradled water's rest —
These have thy smiles of changing beauty blest,
And these with all that gathers to thy side
To gaze into the depths of thy bright breast,
Returns that blessing to thy rolling tide
In every form and hue of beauty mingling wide.

River, wild River, thy waves are at play,
Rolling forever away, away,
'Mid the gloom of the forest, the frown of the hills,
Or flashing in sunlight, beautiful still,
The eagle looks down from his nest on high,
And the wild deer greets thee with fearless eye,
For they love, wild River, to linger by thee,
As thou rollest forever from mountain to sea.

River, lone River, nations have sprung;
Along thy wild borders the war cry has rung;
And nations have passed from thy blooming side,
As the light foam flashing along thy tide;
They have passed away from their native shore,
And thy waters, lone River, shall know them no more.
But thou are unchanged, still lonely and free,
Rolling forever from mountain to sea.

River, strong River, nations shall come
And mark thy green banks for the strangers' home;
Their stately buildings shall spring in pride,
Their voices shall echo along thy side,
They will fetter the strength of thy rolling waves,
But thy waters shall dimple around their graves,
As they fall like the leaves from the autumn tree,
And thou rollest forever from mountain to sea.

River, sweet River, when hope shall decay,
When Life's fairest visions shall pass away,
When the freshness of spirit is faded and gone,
When the heart through the world must wander alone,
Thy memory back to my soul shall bring
The brightness and freshness of Life's young spring,
And waters of healing thy waves shall be
As thou rollest, sweet River, from mountain to sea.

River, bold River, the rock is thy birth,
Thy mission a blessing to blossoming earth;
The cataract's dash with its glittering spray
And the glance of the rapid, thy giant play;
The lakelet's repose, with its shadowy breast
In its calmness and beauty, thy cradled rest,
With a pathway of glory, an anthem of glee,
Thou rollest forever from mountain to sea.
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