Vespers — Tuesday
ALL-BOUNTIFUL Creator, who,
When Thou didst mould the world, didst drain
The waters from the mass, that so
Earth might immovable remain;
That its dull clods it might transmute
To golden flowers in vale or wood,
To juice of thirst-allaying fruit,
And grateful herbage spread for food;
Wash Thou our smarting wounds and hot,
In the cool freshness of Thy grace;
Till tears start forth the past to blot,
And cleanse and calm Thy holy place;
Till we obey Thy full behest,
Shun the world's tainted touch and breath,
Joy in what highest is and best,
And gain a spell to baffle death.
Grant it, O Father, Only Son,
And Holy Spirit, God of grace,
To whom all glory, Three in One,
Be given in every time and place.
When Thou didst mould the world, didst drain
The waters from the mass, that so
Earth might immovable remain;
That its dull clods it might transmute
To golden flowers in vale or wood,
To juice of thirst-allaying fruit,
And grateful herbage spread for food;
Wash Thou our smarting wounds and hot,
In the cool freshness of Thy grace;
Till tears start forth the past to blot,
And cleanse and calm Thy holy place;
Till we obey Thy full behest,
Shun the world's tainted touch and breath,
Joy in what highest is and best,
And gain a spell to baffle death.
Grant it, O Father, Only Son,
And Holy Spirit, God of grace,
To whom all glory, Three in One,
Be given in every time and place.
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