Word Reaches Us

Word reaches us

that you are sleeping, sleeping.


we have turned to the sea.

We encounter among others

walking there

a sense of what we have lost:

the broad expanse of humanity’s

sensitivity to the oneness of itself.


while you sleep, resting your nimble

brain, we think of walking with you

in the valley

of the shadow of death; holding

you up.

We hope you can feel our grief;

our sorrow vast

like the ocean that draws us.

We know in this moment you teach us many things:

how all across the world

there is no one who deserves this fate.

We know we must bleach and sterilize our


brighten with understanding

all our dark thoughts.

Sister, whom I never met

except in this pain that has so

wounded you

thank you for reminding us

through your suffering

and your suspenseful sleep

that we must change.

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