1. In which the Woman of Magdala Flouteth Judas of Kerioth, and First Beholdeth Lord Christ the Son of Man - |
19 May 2014 |
2. Wherein the Sinning Woman is Bidden Freely to Go Her Way, and the Scribes and Pharisees Are Confounded - |
19 May 2014 |
3. Mary Magdalene Seeth the Master Tortured and Condemned, and Followeth Him to Golgotha - |
19 May 2014 |
4. Wherein She Witnesseth that Most Dolorous Crucifixion of Our Lord, and Heareth Him Pray for His Enemies - |
19 May 2014 |
5. The Saint of Magdala Stayeth at the Foot of the Cross, and Is Pardoned of Her Sins - |
19 May 2014 |
6. Wherein the Magdalene Findeth the Dead Judas, and Prayeth, Not in Vain, for His Forgiveness - |
19 May 2014 |
A Ballade to Dead Lovers |
5 September 2014 |
A Tribute to Sir Henry Irving |
29 November 2013 |
A Valentine |
17 May 2014 |
Alain Chartier to the White Queen Blanche |
5 September 2014 |