Mercury; on Losing My Pocket Milton at Luss near Ben Lomond, and Other Mountains |
5 September 2014 |
Muses Triumphant Over Venus, The. Or, The Poetical Vision Seen One Summer-Evening Beside the River at Elgin. A Tale. |
19 May 2014 |
The Honest Life |
19 May 2014 |
To Adversity: An Ode |
17 May 2014 |
To the blooming Isabella: An Ode |
29 November 2013 |
To the Late Lord Shaftsbury's Ghost; Spoken After the Above Poems, Before Him Early One Morning, in a Vision: An Ode |
29 November 2013 |
Upon Losing Milton's Paradise Lost, at Luss Situate Upon Loch-Lomond at the Foot of Ben-Lowman and a Group of Other Vast Mountains: An Ode |
29 November 2013 |
Upon Seeing a Fair Matron with Her Husband and Daughter at the Theatre; in Answer to a Young Officer, Who Very Wittily Broke Out, Venus! by God : An Ode |
19 May 2014 |
Urania |
19 May 2014 |
Virtue's Expostulation with the British Poets: An Ode |
5 September 2014 |