Embracing the Fall

In the boundless tapestry of time and space,
where dreams and destinies intertwine,
there exists a question, whispered by the cosmic winds,
echoing through the vast expanse:
If we fall, do we not also pass stars?

Oh, the dance of existence, adorned with celestial grace,
where souls unfurl like nebulous blossoms,
their radiance trailing behind.
We, mere travelers in this cosmic ballet,
find hidden pleasure in the embrace of the unknown,
venturing forth into the depths of the universe.


I been able to call her glory.
That was my private story.
It makes me feel proud.
Bad feelings away - no doubt.

I used that color blue.
It was my sign for true.
Then I put on her lips color red.
Then I left tiara on her head.

That was my private story.
Story wich i called glory.
The painting wich brings me light.
Now I left it on your side.

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