Silence — My loyal Companion

Silence, my loyal companion, enfolds me
in the embrace of solitude’s sanctuary,
where words dare not tread, forsaking her.
With vacant eyes, she wields a brush
and paints a portrait of the deity forlorn,
narrating tales without the need for speech.
In unity, we share laughter that reverberates,
its echoes resonating in our weathered bones,
like a distant memory of mirth,
amidst a chamber adorned with shattered fragments.


All because of the gap in the wooden ceiling
And beause of this hole in a patched roof.
Because life with freedom has enthused
And flown away in the direction unknown.

They say that like a rainbow, hung for a moment,
Which is a harbinger of good weather after rain
And it had wings colorful like butterflies
- Of such an unusual ordinary beauty.

They say it had charming veil
Like morning fog over a blossomed meadow
And it looked as a happy bird
resembling so much the larks over the heavens.

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