Welcome, You Are Confirmed!
Welcome to a great new era in the justice system
Everyone raise up a toast if you will to a great man
Long may he rule
Come what may, let us stand proud by his side
Once they were so sure they could rob him of his rightful place
Made false accusations that held no merit not at all
Every day they lied and twisted sick things to get at him
You Sir are a brave man indeed for overcoming their bs
One day may karma come back and bite them in the ass for what they did
U deserved none of the fouls things they did or the rumors they spread
As you now begin this new and wonderful time in your life may you propser
Reckless and rash judgements never make
Ever the patient, thoughtful man you have always been
Call your naysayer's bluff and strut your judgement stuff
One day maybe you can even forgive that poor mentally ill woman they used
No hard feelings because she was simply a weapon used who knew no better
Firm and sound judgements you will pass along
I hope maybe even someday you will help to abolish the sin of abortion
Regardless of what selfish women nation wide do to try and stop you
May you always do the right thing and make the proper choices
Everything you say and do from this moment so carefully watched
Don't you dare mess up and show our trust misplaced!
And one more thing.....
Welcome, you are confirmed!
A fellow pro-life poet! Yay!
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I love seeing right wing
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I love seeing right wing
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