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494th Weekly Poetry Contest winner: Just A Girl

by Mirakel Schwartz

I'm just a girl in the world
In fear of this world
I cant even trust my own friends
Because even if I think they'd never hurt me
The pain of too many girls echoes around me
They trusted him too
And it cost them their body, their mind, their life

So believe me when I say
It's not on you
It's nothing you did
To make me feel this way
I know it's not fair
But that little tiny thought is always there
It never goes away
Because day by day
The number of girls increases

I was thirteen
The first time a boy thought it would be funny to tell me his friend wanted a blow job
In the line for a fucking bouncy house
With my five year old sister holding my hand

I was fifteen the first time I had a dream where someone tried to rape me
And I thank God every day I got to wake up from that nightmare
Because so many people are living it

Boys will be boys
But girls lose their lives
And hope as I might
There's no doubt in my mind
That one day I'll be a statistic,
Another one of the 97%

So to my friends, I'm sorry
If I shrink inside myself when I'm reminded how much stronger than me you are
It's not because I think you'd hurt me,
It's because I know I couldn't stop you if you tried
Because boys will be boys
But we were never just girls

See all the entrants to 494th Weekly Poetry Contest