Good Counsel to a Young Maid
Gaze not on thy beauties pride,
Tender Maid, in the false tide
That from Lovers eyes doth slide.
Let thy faithful Chrystall show,
How thy colours come, and goe,
Beautie takes a foyle from woe.
Love, that in those smooth streames lyes,
Under pities faire disguise,
Will thy melting heart surprize.
Nets, of passions finest thred,
Snaring Poems, will be spred,
All, to catch thy maiden-head.
Then beware, for those that cure
Loves disease, themselves endure
For reward a Calenture.
Rather let the Lover pine,
Than his pale cheek should assigne
A perpetuall blush to thine.
Tender Maid, in the false tide
That from Lovers eyes doth slide.
Let thy faithful Chrystall show,
How thy colours come, and goe,
Beautie takes a foyle from woe.
Love, that in those smooth streames lyes,
Under pities faire disguise,
Will thy melting heart surprize.
Nets, of passions finest thred,
Snaring Poems, will be spred,
All, to catch thy maiden-head.
Then beware, for those that cure
Loves disease, themselves endure
For reward a Calenture.
Rather let the Lover pine,
Than his pale cheek should assigne
A perpetuall blush to thine.
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