Love Is Weal, Love Is Wo

Love is soft, love is swete, love is good sware;
Love is muche tene, love is muchel care.
Love is blissene mest, love is bot yare;
Love is wondred and wo with for to fare.

Love is hap, who it haveth; love is good hele.
Love is lecher and lees, and leef for to tele.
Love is doughty in the world with for to dele.
Love maketh in the land many unlele.

Love is stalwarde and strong to striden on stede.
Love is loveliche a thing to wommane nede.
Love is hardy and hot as glowinde glede.
Love maketh many may with teres to wede.

Love hath his steward by sty and by strete.
Love maketh many may hire wonges to wete.
Love is hap, who it haveth, on for to hete.
Love is wis, love is war, and wilful ansete.

Love is the softeste thing in herte may slepe.
Love is craft, love is good with cares to kepe.

Love is lees, love is leef, love is longinge.
Love is fol, love is fast, love is frovringe.
Love is sellich an thing, whoso shal sooth singe.

Love is wele, love is wo, love is gladhede.
Love is lif, love is deth, love may us fede.

Were love al so londdrey as he is first kene,
It were the wordlokste thing in worlde were, ich wene.
It is y-said in an song, sooth is y-sene,
Love comseth with care and endeth with tene,
Mid lavedy, mid wive, mid maide, mid quene.
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