The Triumphs of CHRIST's dying Love
T HEE , Great Incarnate Godhead, Thee
Th' Almighty Father's equal Progeny,
Thee, J ESUS ! dear and venerable Name,
Partaker of our frail Humanity,
Thee shall my Voice, my Harp, my Muse and Quill proclaim.
Wake my Harp! melodious sing
On each sweetly-sounding String
Th' illustrious Conquests of the Saviour-King;
In loud majestic Accents sound
His Triumphs o'er the Pow'rs below,
When He gave Death his everlasting-Wound,
'Led the infernal Monsters bound,
And crush'd the direst Terrors of His Foe.
While Ages unbegun
Their vast, their boundless Circuits run,
On His eternal Father's loving Breast,
Self-happy, infinitely blest,
Lay the coeval Son;
In the immense J EHOVAH satisfy'd,
And the entire Divinity enjoy'd.
There lay the filial Godhead, till He saw
From the superior Sky,
Adam trangress his Maker's Law,
Hell yawn with greedy Jaws to draw
Into one Ruin all his wretched Progeny.
He saw the Flashes of vindictive Fire
Break out impatient from the Throne,
And the Angelic Messenger
Wave his dread Weapons, that high-brandish'd shone,
Thirsting for human Blood; while Hell grew proud
With Hopes of Prey, and laugh'd prophanely loud.
He saw, and (O amazing Grace!) He lov'd,
With Pity all his inmost Bowels mov'd,
And Love omnipotent began to glow:
" Shall all the human Race, He cries,
" Fall an eternal Sacrifice,
" And grace the Triumphs of the insulting Foe?
" What! shall Hell's Tyranny destroy
" My Father's Image, Work and Boast,
" And riot in malicious Joy
" To see His fav'rite Creature lost?
" No! rather confounded,
" With Chaos surrounded,
" Be Heav'n, Earth, Ocean and all!
" The Wheels of Nature break,
" The Universe to horrid Wreck,
" Blended, disjointed, fall!
" I will o'ercome, or be o'ercome,
" Wrench from the Tyrant's Hand his royal Rod.
" Or yield him mine, and own him God:
" My chosen Race shall live, or I will share their Doom.
" By the dread Life of the Divinity,
" Possest by the eternal Three ,
" I swear and ratify the firm Decree.
He said; He rose, and bow'd
The chrystal Heav'ns, and down he came:
Aside He threw the Grandeur of a G OD ,
In mortal Regions fixt his low Abode,
And cloath'd Himself in feeble human Frame.
He gave His Heart to the vindictive Sword
Without a murm'ring Word,
Patient, His sacred Breath
At the Arrest of Death
Resign'd — O! the dire Terrors of the T HUND'RER'S Wrath!
O! the immense Severity
Of the dread Law! the dire Reward
Of Sin! the Vengeance of the flaming Sword
Of Justice! O! dire Fruits of the forbidden Tree!
Come, Sinners, see your Saviour dead,
And weep around His Tomb:
Your Hope, your Joy, your All is fled;
For Oh! your Champion's overcome.
For you in Conflict with the Pow'rs of Hell
He nobly fought, but ah! He fell.
But whither, raving Muse? refrain;
Nor with ignoble Tears profane
The Triumphs of the G OD .
T HEE , Great Incarnate Godhead, Thee
Th' Almighty Father's equal Progeny,
Thee, J ESUS ! dear and venerable Name,
Partaker of our frail Humanity,
Thee shall my Voice, my Harp, my Muse and Quill proclaim.
Wake my Harp! melodious sing
On each sweetly-sounding String
Th' illustrious Conquests of the Saviour-King;
In loud majestic Accents sound
His Triumphs o'er the Pow'rs below,
When He gave Death his everlasting-Wound,
'Led the infernal Monsters bound,
And crush'd the direst Terrors of His Foe.
While Ages unbegun
Their vast, their boundless Circuits run,
On His eternal Father's loving Breast,
Self-happy, infinitely blest,
Lay the coeval Son;
In the immense J EHOVAH satisfy'd,
And the entire Divinity enjoy'd.
There lay the filial Godhead, till He saw
From the superior Sky,
Adam trangress his Maker's Law,
Hell yawn with greedy Jaws to draw
Into one Ruin all his wretched Progeny.
He saw the Flashes of vindictive Fire
Break out impatient from the Throne,
And the Angelic Messenger
Wave his dread Weapons, that high-brandish'd shone,
Thirsting for human Blood; while Hell grew proud
With Hopes of Prey, and laugh'd prophanely loud.
He saw, and (O amazing Grace!) He lov'd,
With Pity all his inmost Bowels mov'd,
And Love omnipotent began to glow:
" Shall all the human Race, He cries,
" Fall an eternal Sacrifice,
" And grace the Triumphs of the insulting Foe?
" What! shall Hell's Tyranny destroy
" My Father's Image, Work and Boast,
" And riot in malicious Joy
" To see His fav'rite Creature lost?
" No! rather confounded,
" With Chaos surrounded,
" Be Heav'n, Earth, Ocean and all!
" The Wheels of Nature break,
" The Universe to horrid Wreck,
" Blended, disjointed, fall!
" I will o'ercome, or be o'ercome,
" Wrench from the Tyrant's Hand his royal Rod.
" Or yield him mine, and own him God:
" My chosen Race shall live, or I will share their Doom.
" By the dread Life of the Divinity,
" Possest by the eternal Three ,
" I swear and ratify the firm Decree.
He said; He rose, and bow'd
The chrystal Heav'ns, and down he came:
Aside He threw the Grandeur of a G OD ,
In mortal Regions fixt his low Abode,
And cloath'd Himself in feeble human Frame.
He gave His Heart to the vindictive Sword
Without a murm'ring Word,
Patient, His sacred Breath
At the Arrest of Death
Resign'd — O! the dire Terrors of the T HUND'RER'S Wrath!
O! the immense Severity
Of the dread Law! the dire Reward
Of Sin! the Vengeance of the flaming Sword
Of Justice! O! dire Fruits of the forbidden Tree!
Come, Sinners, see your Saviour dead,
And weep around His Tomb:
Your Hope, your Joy, your All is fled;
For Oh! your Champion's overcome.
For you in Conflict with the Pow'rs of Hell
He nobly fought, but ah! He fell.
But whither, raving Muse? refrain;
Nor with ignoble Tears profane
The Triumphs of the G OD .
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