A Soul which loves God
The edition of " Der Kleine Kempis, " which Peter Leibert issued in 1795, bore the following title: " Derkleine Kempis oder kurze Sprüche und Gebätlein, Aus dem meistens unbekannten Werklein des Thomae a Kempis, Germantaun, 1795. " " The Little Kempis, or Short Sayings and Brief Prayers from the, for the most part unknown, minor work of Thomas a Kempis. " This edition unlike preceding ones contains a number of short poems by different authors at the end of the book. Of these poems, two are by Alexander Mack. Possibly more of them are from his pen but if so they cannot be identified.
A soul which loves God
Finds anguish in this world
What it loves outside of Jesus
Is beset by terror and distress.
Therefore Jesus calls to it
" Come, in me is joy and peace. "
" I have overcome the world, "
Says Jesus Christ consolingly.
" I have bound its strongest man
Through the splendor of my light. "
Therefore He calls ever and ever
" O dear souls come to me. "
Let riches alone, and let them lie
Wherever they themselves wish to be.
Seek thou thy pleasures
Only where time and the world are forgotten.
My advice brings the riches of God to you
Although the devil ever mocks at you.
It is true, the world says
Christ's teachings are not to be understood;
That one is under obligation
To follow Him in all things
In poverty particularly.
This would be too unreasonable.
But Christ knows His own,
He is near of kin to them,
When they seem wholly lost
He is often made known to them
As the good and faithful shepherd
Makes himself known to the lamb which has gone astray
All the words of His teachings
Seem to them as sweet as sugar.
Their desire, even their adornment and honor
Are the steps of His feet.
He is their shepherd, they are His sheep
In spite of anyone's denial.
To meditate upon the words of Christ,
To follow all His deeds,
To trust alone Christ's counsel
Bring, of course, disgrace in the eyes of the world
But this meditation on Heaven
Gains Heaven as a reward.
The lambs of Christ like to kiss
The feet of Jesus, their shepherd,
All that they learn from Him
Seems to them sweeter than honey
The spirit and the word of Christ
Are always their freedom and their law.
All the flowers which give forth fragrance
According to the fear of the Lord,
Furnish them with great pleasure
Because they are their nourishment,
They desire no other sustenance
Save that which comes from the spirit and power of Jesus.
Whatever savors of Christ's love
Calls up His precious blood.
Whatever awakens the desire for virtue
Makes the timid heart courageous
Whatever disturbs the kingdom of satan
Remains a thing of honor forever.
A soul which loves God
Finds anguish in this world
What it loves outside of Jesus
Is beset by terror and distress.
Therefore Jesus calls to it
" Come, in me is joy and peace. "
" I have overcome the world, "
Says Jesus Christ consolingly.
" I have bound its strongest man
Through the splendor of my light. "
Therefore He calls ever and ever
" O dear souls come to me. "
Let riches alone, and let them lie
Wherever they themselves wish to be.
Seek thou thy pleasures
Only where time and the world are forgotten.
My advice brings the riches of God to you
Although the devil ever mocks at you.
It is true, the world says
Christ's teachings are not to be understood;
That one is under obligation
To follow Him in all things
In poverty particularly.
This would be too unreasonable.
But Christ knows His own,
He is near of kin to them,
When they seem wholly lost
He is often made known to them
As the good and faithful shepherd
Makes himself known to the lamb which has gone astray
All the words of His teachings
Seem to them as sweet as sugar.
Their desire, even their adornment and honor
Are the steps of His feet.
He is their shepherd, they are His sheep
In spite of anyone's denial.
To meditate upon the words of Christ,
To follow all His deeds,
To trust alone Christ's counsel
Bring, of course, disgrace in the eyes of the world
But this meditation on Heaven
Gains Heaven as a reward.
The lambs of Christ like to kiss
The feet of Jesus, their shepherd,
All that they learn from Him
Seems to them sweeter than honey
The spirit and the word of Christ
Are always their freedom and their law.
All the flowers which give forth fragrance
According to the fear of the Lord,
Furnish them with great pleasure
Because they are their nourishment,
They desire no other sustenance
Save that which comes from the spirit and power of Jesus.
Whatever savors of Christ's love
Calls up His precious blood.
Whatever awakens the desire for virtue
Makes the timid heart courageous
Whatever disturbs the kingdom of satan
Remains a thing of honor forever.
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