Love's Golden Age
How happy was that Age of Old
When Hearts were neither bought, nor sold?
When each unmercenary She
For Love expected nought but Love;
And when the kind protesting He
His Passion by his Faith did prove:
When Friends each other's Words did take,
And Honesty did all their Bargains make!
Then Look for Look, and Kiss for Kiss,
Was all was giv'n her Love, or his ;
Or for Exchange of Hearts was paid,
By the gen'rous youthful Swain,
To the bright, but artless Maid,
His Love to prove, and Hers to gain:
White Cupid , chang'd from what he was of Old,
Now, like a Negro -Slave, is bought and sold.
How happy was that Age of Old
When Hearts were neither bought, nor sold?
When each unmercenary She
For Love expected nought but Love;
And when the kind protesting He
His Passion by his Faith did prove:
When Friends each other's Words did take,
And Honesty did all their Bargains make!
Then Look for Look, and Kiss for Kiss,
Was all was giv'n her Love, or his ;
Or for Exchange of Hearts was paid,
By the gen'rous youthful Swain,
To the bright, but artless Maid,
His Love to prove, and Hers to gain:
White Cupid , chang'd from what he was of Old,
Now, like a Negro -Slave, is bought and sold.
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