HYMN 84. Praise for Electing Love
W REATH'S Tune .
Not unto us, but to thy grace,
Great fountain of eternal love,
Belongs the everlasting praise
That sinners hope to dwell above.
Cho Praise ye the Lord — the Saviour praise,
Hosanna to the God of Grace.
Jehovah Jesus, just and wise,
Laid the foundation of our peace
Before he spread the azure skies
Or form'd the earth, or fill'd the seas.
Cho Praise ye the Lord , &c.
Before his all-creasing voice
Supply'd the sun and moon with light,
Orbid the lofts of heav'n rejoice,
Our soul, were precious in his sight.
Cho Praise ye the Lord , &c.
He fix'd his children's future lot
When first he drew creation's plan,
Rejoicing in each favour'd spot
Where he would dwell with fallen man.
Cho Praise ye the Lord , &c.
Jesus, with high delight, survey'd,
On the vast map before his eye,
The place where he has since display'd
The great incarnate mystery.
Cho Praise ye the Lord , &c.
Not unto us, but to thy grace,
Great fountain of eternal love,
Belongs the everlasting praise
That sinners hope to dwell above.
Cho Praise ye the Lord — the Saviour praise,
Hosanna to the God of Grace.
Jehovah Jesus, just and wise,
Laid the foundation of our peace
Before he spread the azure skies
Or form'd the earth, or fill'd the seas.
Cho Praise ye the Lord , &c.
Before his all-creasing voice
Supply'd the sun and moon with light,
Orbid the lofts of heav'n rejoice,
Our soul, were precious in his sight.
Cho Praise ye the Lord , &c.
He fix'd his children's future lot
When first he drew creation's plan,
Rejoicing in each favour'd spot
Where he would dwell with fallen man.
Cho Praise ye the Lord , &c.
Jesus, with high delight, survey'd,
On the vast map before his eye,
The place where he has since display'd
The great incarnate mystery.
Cho Praise ye the Lord , &c.
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