Star Of My Love 5
Star of my Love! upon the deep
Struggling through Night's dim misty veil
Whilst low winds o'er the waters creep
Still heaving from the by-gone gale,
And solitary sea-birds wail —
Though all below are sunk in sleep —
Beneath the lazy flapping sail,
My lonely midnight watch I keep,
Thy holy light once more to hail
Star of my Love!
Star of my Love! too well! — too well! —
Those sights and sounds past years recall!
O'er Memory's deep with sullen swell
As troubled passions rise and fall
Though Mystery in her sable pall
Shrouds the dark caverns where they dwell,
What shades — what voices hear her call
And come obedient to her spell!
Alas! for them — for Her — for all!
Star of my Love!
Star of my Love! since that marked hour
Worn ever on my heart and brow,
Which gave thee o'er my thoughts the power
No orb in Heaven can claim but thou,
Through every chance and change 'till now
When Fate's most dismal shadows lower,
And to Despair my spirits bow
Blessings or curses may'st thou shower
As I have kept, or broke my vow,
Star of my Love!
Star of my Love! with grief and pain
I've numbered many an hour of years
O'er days that never come again
Outpouring all my soul in tears:
Consuming life in doubts and fears
And wearing out my heart and brain
And now what hope my bosom cheers
What soothes me for my long borne chain?
Who loves me now or marks or hears?
Star of my Love!
Star of my Love! I did not deem
For me this hour could e'er arrive!
Star of my Love! my cherished dream
Is gone, and I am yet alive!
Why is it that I still survive?
Suspended o'er the ocean stream
I need but loose my hold to drive
My thoughts forever from this theme! ...
And yet, to see her once I strive
Star of my Love!
Struggling through Night's dim misty veil
Whilst low winds o'er the waters creep
Still heaving from the by-gone gale,
And solitary sea-birds wail —
Though all below are sunk in sleep —
Beneath the lazy flapping sail,
My lonely midnight watch I keep,
Thy holy light once more to hail
Star of my Love!
Star of my Love! too well! — too well! —
Those sights and sounds past years recall!
O'er Memory's deep with sullen swell
As troubled passions rise and fall
Though Mystery in her sable pall
Shrouds the dark caverns where they dwell,
What shades — what voices hear her call
And come obedient to her spell!
Alas! for them — for Her — for all!
Star of my Love!
Star of my Love! since that marked hour
Worn ever on my heart and brow,
Which gave thee o'er my thoughts the power
No orb in Heaven can claim but thou,
Through every chance and change 'till now
When Fate's most dismal shadows lower,
And to Despair my spirits bow
Blessings or curses may'st thou shower
As I have kept, or broke my vow,
Star of my Love!
Star of my Love! with grief and pain
I've numbered many an hour of years
O'er days that never come again
Outpouring all my soul in tears:
Consuming life in doubts and fears
And wearing out my heart and brain
And now what hope my bosom cheers
What soothes me for my long borne chain?
Who loves me now or marks or hears?
Star of my Love!
Star of my Love! I did not deem
For me this hour could e'er arrive!
Star of my Love! my cherished dream
Is gone, and I am yet alive!
Why is it that I still survive?
Suspended o'er the ocean stream
I need but loose my hold to drive
My thoughts forever from this theme! ...
And yet, to see her once I strive
Star of my Love!
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