Oh Phoebe Lovely Phoebe

O' Phebe lovely Phebe meet me in the hills O' gorse
We'll sit upon wild thyme so sweet And loves soft joys engross
Round thy white neck my arm shall fall Thy hand pressed close in mine
While wheat ears in the bushes catch And whitethroats sing divine

I'll kiss thy lips so softly prest And wait thy kind replys
And lean upon thy snowy breast And look love in thine eyes
My arm shall clasp thee round the waist Thy hand still held in mine
And nothing but ideas chaste Shall meet those ears of thine

The heather with its knol[l]s O' bloom Shall rustle by thy feet
And home the pettichap shall come To its nest beside thy seat
And bonnily thy gown shall fold Wi' the soft summer wind
And sweet shall shine the hills O' gold Wi furze brigh[t] blossomed lined

O' Phebe lovely Phebe dear In each others arms we'll lye
And rich shall smell the wild sweet Brere And sweet shall low the kye
We'll lye till evening claims the sun Behind the furze clad hill
And when our day of cortship's done I'll meet and worship still
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