Of the Discouragement He Had to Proceed in Love through the Multitude of His Ladies Perfections and His Owne Lownesse. Sonet 5 -
Sonet 5.
When youre perfections to my thoughts appeare
They say amonge themselues O happie wee
Which ever shall so rare an obiect see
But happie hearte if thoughts lesse happie were.
For theyre delights haue cost my heart full deare
In whome of loue a thowsand causes be
And each cause breeds a thowsand loues in me
And each loue more then thowsand hearts can beare.
How can my hearte so many loues then hold
Which yet by heapes encrease from day to day
But like a ship that's overcharg'd with gold
Must eyther sinke or hurle the gold away
But hurle oute loue thow canst not feeble hearte
In thyne owne bloud thow therfore drowned arte.
When youre perfections to my thoughts appeare
They say amonge themselues O happie wee
Which ever shall so rare an obiect see
But happie hearte if thoughts lesse happie were.
For theyre delights haue cost my heart full deare
In whome of loue a thowsand causes be
And each cause breeds a thowsand loues in me
And each loue more then thowsand hearts can beare.
How can my hearte so many loues then hold
Which yet by heapes encrease from day to day
But like a ship that's overcharg'd with gold
Must eyther sinke or hurle the gold away
But hurle oute loue thow canst not feeble hearte
In thyne owne bloud thow therfore drowned arte.
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