Thyrd 7 of Severall Occasions and Accidents Happening in the Life Tyme of His Love, The. Of His Mistrisse upon Occasion of Her Walking in a Garden. Sonet 1 -
Sonet 1.
My Ladies presence makes the roses red
Because to see her lips they blush for shame
The lilies leaues for envy pale became
And her white hands in them this envy bred
The marygold abroad the leaues did spread
Because the suns and her power is the same
The violet of purple coloure came
Dy'd with the bloud she made my heart to shed.
In briefe all flowers from her theyre vertue take
From her sweet breath theyre sweet smells doe proceed
The liuing heate which her eybeames doe make
Warmeth the ground and quickneth the seede
The rayne wherewith she watereth these flowers
Falls from myne eyes which she dissolues in shewers.
My Ladies presence makes the roses red
Because to see her lips they blush for shame
The lilies leaues for envy pale became
And her white hands in them this envy bred
The marygold abroad the leaues did spread
Because the suns and her power is the same
The violet of purple coloure came
Dy'd with the bloud she made my heart to shed.
In briefe all flowers from her theyre vertue take
From her sweet breath theyre sweet smells doe proceed
The liuing heate which her eybeames doe make
Warmeth the ground and quickneth the seede
The rayne wherewith she watereth these flowers
Falls from myne eyes which she dissolues in shewers.
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