Of His Mistrisse upon Occasion of a Friend of His which Disswaded Him from Loving. Sonet 5 -

Sonet 5.

A friend of myne moaning my helplesse loue
Hoping by killing hope my loue to slay
Let not (quoth he) thy hope thy heart betray
Impossible it is her heart to move.

But sith resolued loue cannot remove
As longe as thy devine perfections stay
Thy godhead then he sought to take away
Deare seeke revenge and him a lyer proue.

Gods only doe impossibilityes
Impossible sayth he thy grace to gayne
Shew then the power of thy devinityes
By graunting me thy favoure to obtayne
So shall thy foe giue to himselfe the lye
A goddesse thow shalt proue and happie I.
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