Alas! by what mean may I make ye to know
All a green willow, willow, willow ,
All a green willow is my garland.
Alas! by what mean may I make ye to know
The unkindness for kindness that to me doth grow?
That one who most kind love on me should bestow,
Most unkind unkindness to me she doth show,
For all a green willow is my garland.
To have love and hold love, where love is so sped,
Oh, delicate food to the lover so fed!
From love won to love lost, where lovers be led,
Oh, desperate dolour, the lover is dead!
For all a green willow is his garland.
She said she did love me, and would love me still,
She sware above all men I had her good will;
She said and she sware she would my will fulfil:
The promise all good, the performance all ill;
For all a green willow is my garland.
Could I forget thee, as thou canst forget me,
That were my sound fault, which cannot nor shall be;
Though thou, like the soaring hawk, every way flee,
I will be the turtle most steadfast to thee,
And patiently wear this green willow garland.
All ye that have had love, and have my like wrong,
My like truth and patience plant you among;
When feminine fancies for new love do long,
Old love cannot hold them, new love is so strong,
For all a green willow is your garland.
All a green willow is my garland.
Alas! by what mean may I make ye to know
The unkindness for kindness that to me doth grow?
That one who most kind love on me should bestow,
Most unkind unkindness to me she doth show,
For all a green willow is my garland.
To have love and hold love, where love is so sped,
Oh, delicate food to the lover so fed!
From love won to love lost, where lovers be led,
Oh, desperate dolour, the lover is dead!
For all a green willow is his garland.
She said she did love me, and would love me still,
She sware above all men I had her good will;
She said and she sware she would my will fulfil:
The promise all good, the performance all ill;
For all a green willow is my garland.
Could I forget thee, as thou canst forget me,
That were my sound fault, which cannot nor shall be;
Though thou, like the soaring hawk, every way flee,
I will be the turtle most steadfast to thee,
And patiently wear this green willow garland.
All ye that have had love, and have my like wrong,
My like truth and patience plant you among;
When feminine fancies for new love do long,
Old love cannot hold them, new love is so strong,
For all a green willow is your garland.
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